A much needed conversation is happening at the moment regarding sexual abuse and assault. From the #metoo conversation to the trial giving voice to the hundreds of young gymnasts, we are collectively thinking about sexual assault.
We also know that for those with disabilities, there is additional risk.
I regularly meet adults with complex communication needs who are survivors. I think a lot about how to help be part of the solution – both preventively and also to help survivors report abuse, seek support, and access effective treatment. It is hard to be believed when you are not even heard.
I also am grateful for reporting looking into this sad reality. I think hiding things and pretending it doesn't exist only makes things worse.
Here are some links to some reporting from America’s NPR, J Shapiro, All Things Considered:
- 10 January 2018 - www.npr.org/2018/01/10/566608390/she-can-t-tell-us-what-s-wrong
- 18 January 2018 -www.npr.org/2018/01/18/578956859/in-their-words-adults-with-intellectual-disabilities-tell-their-sexual-assault-s
- 20 January 2018 - www.npr.org/2018/01/20/577064075/in-their-own-words-people-with-intellectual-disabilities-talk-about-rape
- And the rest of the series www.npr.org/series/575502633/abused-and-betrayed