I attended and presented at ISAAC 2018 on the Gold Coast recently.
One of my highlights was getting to share the creative collaboration between a local puppeteer and myself. This art project support adults with intellectual disabilities to design and create larger than life puppets. We used...
View all of Puppets and AAC - ISAAC conference talk
Gabrielle Hogg is an autisticadvocate and AAC user based in New Zealand. She blogs over at [AutismoGirl], post Facebook, and also is on twitter.
A few years ago we co-developed a one page handout to help psychologists, counsellors, and other clinicians support autistic people and those who use AAC part or full time.
There are many standard practices that work well for neurotypical people that can be challenging for autistic people, people with language disorders, or those with other communication impairments.
A much needed conversation is happening at the moment regarding sexual abuse and assault. From the #metoo conversation to the trial giving voice to the hundreds of young gymnasts, we are collectively thinking about sexual assault.
We also know that for those with disabilities, there is additional...
View all of NPR reporting on sexual abuse and intellectual disability
I am a huge believer in the concept of nothing about us; without us.
I want more stories of empowered people with communication impairments getting on with their every day realities – and being heard!
Privacy is paramount though and most of the stories that I am privy to cannot be shared publicly.
Recently an adult who uses AAC asked me to share a success story anonymously on her behalf and I am honoured to share her story here.
(include adult topics)
View all of Self Advocacy – communicating sexual history to medical professionals
I recently was asked to summarise some of my thinking in support of a project in Europe. Here is my letter of support in case it is of use to others:
My open letter arguing for expressive speech sythesis
To Whom It May Concern;
As an AAC clinician and researcher, I am writing this letter of su...
View all of Making a case for expressive speech synthesis